Smart View coating

Smart View coating was created in response to the advancing digitalization of our surroundings and the associated risks to our eyesight. Its main task, in addition to increasing lens transparency and providing good contrast, is to effectively protect our eyes from the excess of high-energy blue light emitted by smartphones, TVs, computers, and tablets.

Prolonged exposure to blue light can lead to eye strain, difficulty falling asleep, and negatively impact eye health.

Smart View coating is designed to block the excess of harmful blue light, thus reducing eye fatigue, lowering the risk of eye diseases, and helping to maintain the body’s circadian rhythm.

Furthermore, Smart View coating improves light transmission and image contrast, reducing eye strain.


All the properties of Clear View Premium coating
Protection against harmful blue light
Clear and sharp vision during daily activities
Extremely effective protection against scratches
Reduction of reflections for greater viewing comfort
Alleviation of eye fatigue effects
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